Today we went to the LA Fitness to film the gym part of our production. We got a lot done but we ran into a couple issues. In our script, we had planned to squat and use the squat rack but there were too many people in the area, so we couldn't get a good clean shot. On top of the people, there were also mirrors in front of the rack, and obviously, we didn't want the cameraman to show nor the rest of the gym. So, we improvised, instead of squatting we decided to do some cardio. We used machines like treadmills and bikes for JD's cardio.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Gym Scene
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Making the Picture
In this blog, I will discuss the process my partner Gabe R. went through to obtain the photo. The picture is of JD and his "older brother. " To represent JD's older brother, I got one of my friends on the basketball team to take a picture with me. He was perfect for the picture because he slightly resembles me and is tall, which is characteristic of a good basketball player.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
This is the storyboard, Wyatt and Noah worked together to make. Storyboards are used to help visualize the film before the film is even made. You can fix minor mistakes before filming to perfect your production. We are gonna keep these with us while filming to guide our process.
In this blog, I'm going to discuss audio. Throughout the entirety of our script, there are tags of the audio technique used in that specific part of the opening. We utilized sound in many different ways, one of them being during one of JD's gym sessions. In this scene, JD is working out, and intense, hard-driving music starts playing. The music appears to be non-diegetic, but once JD puts his headphones on and the music projects louder, the viewer can see that the music is dietetic.
One of my partners(Gabe R) had done some research on "no copyright sound effects and songs. He was searching for a sound to use in the gym scene. After a little bit of searching, he found this song - "LUKA - Pitstop (ft. UNOWAY)" Our whole group took a look at it and we all agreed to use it.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Mise en scene Pt 2
In this blog, I will discuss set design and props. Set design visually creates the environment of a scene in a production, establishing the story's place, time, and mood. Props aid the set design, creating visual appeal and adding to the actual look of the environment. For my film opening, there will be four different set designs to match our four different scenes.
The set design of the first scene is very simple. We are filming in an indoor gym so there will be basketball hoops, and we will use duffle bags, shoes/slides, and basketballs and props. Scattering them around the court will add to the entirety of the look.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Mise en scene Pt 1
For this blog, I will discuss Mise-en-scene, specifically our outfits or costumes. Costuming is key in film production; it can visually portray a character's personality and the film's setting. In our film, "JD" the protagonist's outfits consist of athletic wear, basketball jerseys, and casual streetwear. Coach Marcus will be wearing business casual/casual attire, such as a button-down shirt or a polo t-shirt.
Since our opening begins with JD's training, he will wear a basketball jersey, Dri-Fit shorts, and old, worn-out basketball shoes. These clothes are perfect for this specific scene. They begin to hint at his love and passion for basketball and also help display the setting. Coach Marcus will be wearing a polo shirt, this allows the viewer to infer that he is a serious coach, who takes his job seriously.
In the third scene where JD is speaking to his mother about his basketball struggles, he will be wearing a comfy outfit. Something most people would wear to walk around their house. His mother will be wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt or hoodie, again something very comfy.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Character development
JD the protagonist in our story, is a hardworking and passionate individual. He is determined to be great at basketball because of his older brother who paved the way for his dreams. He trains constantly to get better at the sport he loves. He faces a couple issues and realizations during his training sessions; he realizes he is not naturally gifted with athleticism. JD has the work ethic but no matter how hard he works he just can't get better.
A great example of this is Rudy, from the film "Rudy." Rudy is also an overlooked underdog except he has a strong love for football rather than basketball. Rudy faced many obstacles such as being undersized but he always believed in himself. Rudy's goal in the film is to play for the University of Notre Dame; even after being rejected by coaches and players of the school he kept pushing to get better and get on the team. Eventually, Rudy earns a spot on the team through his relentless fight and perseverance.
How are we gonna develop his character?
In the opening our main goal is to develop JD's character, we can achieve this goal through his actions and dialogue.
In our opening viewers will see how JD truly puts his blood sweat and tears into being good at basketball, but he is just so bad it has a slight comedic twist. In all scenes where JD is training and working out, he will be sweating and the viewer can see the intensity he puts into it. For example, in our final scene where JD is working out, he is going to be working out hard, dripping in sweat, but then we see that he is lifting very lightweight. Displaying he is working very hard but he is not cut out for it.
The dialogue in our opening is also used to develop JD's character. In the first scene, JD speaks to his coach about his struggles, and then they have a conversation; Coach Marcus asks JD how much basketball really means to him and whether he wants to keep training to get better. In a later scene where JD is talking to his mother, he brings up his struggles. He realizes he has had to fight many obstacles and yet nothing has been working. JD keeps fighting throughout the entire opening, not giving up.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Up next is our script! My group and I decided it would be best to start by writing a script. The script allows us to put all our ideas down on paper while working through visual scenes along the way. For example, if you don't like one of your shot choices or ideas, you still have the freedom to change it visually. Since the script mainly focuses on the character's dialogue, the visual aspect is left for the storyboard..
FADE IN AS SFX: faint bouncing basketball, shoes screeching, heavy breathing
JD stands at the top of the key, dribbling, focused.
Opponent crouched low, watching his hips.
This moment. It's the kind you dream about. A single shot. Win or lose. Everything slows down. Every breath, every step, calculated. It's do or die.
He shifts left then right, testing his defender.
You tell yourself it's just another shot. But that's a lie.
Explodes into a quick crossover. Dribbles between the legs.
Defender bites. JD steps back, separates.
SFX: Heartbeat thumps
SLOW MOTION: He rises. Shoots. Perfect form, release, arc.
LONG SHOT SLOW MOTION: Ball completely misses the hoop.
Silence, then:
Yo, was that a lob?
Nah, that was a prayer.
Davis, you tryna take out a bird?
JD just stands there.
Coach Marcus leans back, arms crossed.
JD slouches.
Let me guess. You thought that was going in.
I knew it was going in Coach.
Confidence is good. But delusion?
That's another story.
I just... I gotta get better. Jason was -
Jason ain't you. You ain't him.
COACH MARCUS (CONT'D) But hey, keep throwing bricks like that, and maybe we can build a new gym.
JD forces a laugh but it stings.
JD stares at a framed photo on his nightstand - him and his older brother (Jason Davis, college basketball star)
MOM (O.S.)
You'll be late for school again if you don't sleep.
JD doesn't answer.
You don't have to be Jason, baby.
JD finally looks at her. Nods.
Yeah, I know.
He turns away and looks at the ceiling again.
Mom watches him for a moment, then turns off the light in his room.
CLOSE UP: JD's face in the dark.
His eyes don't close.
Music revealed to be diegetic from his headphones/speaker.
JD alone, training.
CLOSE UP: Sweat drips
CLOSE UP: Legs shaking during squats
SFX: Diegetic music pauses.
JD sits on the bench between sets, resting, scrolling through Jason's old highlight reels.
He exhales, locks the phone, and stands back up.
SFX: Diegetic music resumes. Back to work.
CLOSE UP: Struggling with bench press
WIDE SHOT: Reveals empty bar
If you want to see the script click here!
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Media Theories
Hey blog, today I will be writing about the media theory we are using in our film project. Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium, this theory focuses on three different parts: Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and New equilibrium. Equilibrium is when the audience is introduced to the characters and the beginning of the story. Disequilibrium is where the plot presents the "initial disruption" or the problem that appears in the protagonist's life, who works to fix the situation. New equilibrium is when the protagonist successfully solves the problem or not. We found this theory would work best in our film "Airball"
For equilibrium, The protagonist is a young kid, who really loves the game of basketball. He trains hard to become a great player, but he flat-out sucks at it. He makes many mistakes and he is not very athletic overall. His mistakes are comedic, but he tries very hard to be successful. His goal is to be just like his late father who was a professional ball player/older brother (haven't decided) who was a great player. For disequilibrium or disruption. After practice, he realizes he needs to train harder than everyone around him. His coach tells him that if he wants to improve, he must work harder than everyone else because he lacks natural ability. Finally the new equilibrium. We are not fully set on the new equilibrium but we have two options. The first one is after all his hard work and determination he becomes a way better player, he leads his team to their first victory. The second option is he is still terrible, but he accepts the fact while still enjoying the game. Our end goal of the story is to show how far he has come as a player and individual.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Project idea
My and I group decided to change our genre from thriller to sports comedy. The reason for this switch is because we were lost and had no idea what to do. It felt like every idea we had come up with was terrible, so we decided to seek help from Mrs. Stoklosa. During class, we all went to Mrs. Stoklosa's desk to discuss our ideas. We already had an idea for our new genre, but when we presented her with our idea she was iffy about it. She liked the idea but thought it could be tweaked a little, she told us what to do and what not to do. She was very beneficial to us with the project idea.
Our idea for the sports comedy opening is: For the first 20 seconds, a high school kid plays basketball in a game-like scenario. Then, we hear a voiceover in his head saying, "It all comes down to this." He then shoots the "game-winning" shot, which is an anticlimactic airball. After the airball, it is revealed that he is having a regular private training session with his coach. After the session is over he has a serious talk with his coach. The coach talks to him about if he wants to take this seriously and if he is passionate about the sport. During this conversation, we have to focus on establishing the characters. Once he gets home from training, he talks with his mom during dinner. This talk focuses on developing the characters and building backstory. From this talk, the passing of his father is revealed, it is also revealed that his father was a professional basketball player. His father is the reason he wants to make it. The last 20 seconds of the opening is the kid training at the gym, there will be a close-up of him struggling on the bench press, and then a long shot of there being no weight on the bar. Diegetic sound of intense music will be playing, this will be displayed this music by him putting his headphones on and then the music starts playing.
As for the comedy aspect of the film. There will be no comedic lines in the script, but our goal is to make the character unintentionally funny, based on his actions. It will be somewhat of a slapstick version of comedy with a slight twist to it. Slapstick comedy is a style of humor that includes excessive physical movements.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Group Meeting reflecton
Group Meeting #1
Hi blog! I'm in week 3 of working on my project and blog. Today in class, our teacher divided us into six groups, separate from our project groups. The main goal of this meeting was for us to share our ideas and give input on our peers' projects/ideas.
My group for the meeting consists of 6 members: Nick, Adil, Beatrice, Santina, and Ana. The first thing we all did was share our genres. After this Santina was the first one to speak about her opening, It is about a young and lonely girl. This girl isn't very popular and doesn't have many friends, it is the last day of school and once it ends she goes straight home. Once she gets home the credit sequence begins, she closes the blinds, and then the title appears. I suggested that to present the title she incorporate it in the opening, by writing it down in an actual diary. Beatrice also said that she should add more backstory about the girl, so we know why she is lonely. Beatrice then spoke on her opening; she is doing a horror opening where a girl gets cursed and she is trying to find ways to break the curse. The curse thrives on depression and can only be healed with love. The girl is depressed because her mom passed away a few years ago, and her father is taking out his pain on her. When she gets the curse a tattoo appears on her body, which the killer also has. Santina suggested Beatrice should develop the curse with flashbacks, I thought it would be best if she added more depth to the curse and went into greater detail. Ana did a coming-of-age film opening, where a girl who had just turned 21 went out with her "BFFs" or so we thought. This is the girl's first time drinking and she has overdone it, she then starts feeling sick and passes out. Instead of helping her, her friends were just standing here making fun of her. One of the girls takes a picture of her lying on the ground to then post it online, making a fool of her. Beatrice added that she thought the idea itself was good but, told Ana she should add more analysis and go deeper into the story. She also included researching recently produced films similar to this one.
On the other hand, Nick, Adil, and I were not set on our ideas. One of Nick's leading ideas is a zombie apocalypse with only 2 survivors. The opening starts with the 2 survivors running from a beast. To escape they run into a dark forest, once they get into the forest they believe they escaped. Then the survivors use a map to try and guide them out of the forest but then suddenly hear a branch break, when they turn around they see this zombie-like creature creeping up on them. The creature pounces on them and then the film ends there. I added that running gets boring quickly and most people don't want to see it. Adil told Nick that it would be nice to see the origin of the apocalypse. Adil initially had no idea what to do but once he and his partner met with Mrs. Stoklosa she presented them with a good idea. Adil's film opening was inspired by "Godzilla" and having a similar dynamic to the Jurassic Park (T-Rex escape scene). He and his partner are still working on the plot so this is all the info he has about the story. Nick added it would be pretty awesome if he wore a big blow-up costume to represent the extra-terrestrial creature. As for my project; me and my group are still not sure but, we have been brainstorming. One of our thoughts is a man relaxing at his house after a long day of work, he goes about his day. He then gets a phone call from a mysterious person, once he answers the voice says urgently, “YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW BEFORE...” (cuts off), and then the man wakes up. It was all a dream. Nick said he liked the idea, but thought I should add more overall detail. He also said I should make it longer because he doesn't think it will reach the full 2 minutes.
Picture from the meeting today.
This group meeting was very helpful, and I loved the constructive criticism everyone gave. I would love to do this again later in our project journey.
My group decided to take notes on this meeting. Here is what we wrote down:
Genre: Thriller
Setting to film: Park, or any house
Plot: Not sure about the idea yet, has a couple options. A man relaxing at his house after a long day of work and he goes about his day. He then gets a phone call from a mysterious person, once he answers the voice says, “YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW BEFORE...” and then the man wakes up.
No title
Critique-Nicholas: Overall, solid idea, try to add more detail and extend the opening.
My name: Nicholas
Genre: Horror/Psychological Thriller
As of Monday, my group does not know what we are going to do but we have some ideas and some films we are inspired by.
Plot #1: One idea was a zombie apocalypse with 2 survivors in a forest running away from a monster on a dark, foggy night and they stop running after a couple seconds thinking they escaped. The 2 survivors start walking with the map they got of the park and then they suddenly hear the sound of something breaking but don’t think much of it. They suddenly hear a monster creeping up on them and the scene ends with the zombie on top of the person about to eat them.
Critique: -Gabe, minimal running. Running is boring, no one wants to see running.
Some films I am inspired by films like The Shining, Halloween, and Jaws as I really enjoyed these movies and would want to create something like this
Name: Adil
Genre: Thriller
Plot: A Godzilla-inspired film, given by Mrs. Stoklosa due to the fact that our group had no idea what to do. The setting takes place in a dark forest (Mark and Park), story dynamic may be derived from Jurassic Park (T. Rex Escape scene) and how science will be humanities un-doing (Life finds a way) Take the new Jurassic World rebirth trailer for example, the new abnormality that is the main focus is a dinosaur called D-Rex/Deformed Rex (Image below)
This can be a mirror towards my film as my monster escapes from containment as scientists get too full of themselves and think they have full control over the monster. (That is all the information as of now)
Santina Moreno
Genre: Drama
Title: Dear Diary;
Plot: The main character is a girl who is very isolated and doesn't have a lot of friends, so when the last day of school ends, she goes directly home to find no one there either. During her car ride home, we want some non-diegetic music in the background and start the credit sequence until she goes into her room and closes the blinds, and the title appears. When the camera pans to the bed, the girl is going to be writing in her diary until her mom comes into her room and takes her out for some ice cream.
Genre: Thriller & Coming of Age
We don't have any title yet
Setting: At the beach during the sunset
Plot: A girl who just turned 21 went to the beach to drink and celebrate her birthday with some people who she thought were her friends; (There's also a scene where she is in the car with her friends getting to the beach) She gets really drunk and one of her friends takes a picture of her lying on the sand and posts it online. The picture became viral, and her parents found out that she was in a bad state and no one was helping her.
Critique- Beatrice: I think your movie examples are good but maybe you should offer more analysis and responses with depth. This way you can learn more about how to use things and what to add into your opening. Maybe try to research more recently produced films, to have better examples.
Beatrice: my blog
Genre: Horror
-Plot: A girl gets cursed and is watched by a killer, she is trying to break the curse. The curse feeds on depression and can be broken with happiness and love. She is depressed because her mom passed away a while ago and ever since her dad has been taking out his anger on her, making their house unsafe and their relationship weak. When she gets cursed, we see a tattoo appear on her, its matching with the killer. The title will be seen when she's looking at herself in the mirror, distraught, after being cursed.
-Setting: House of the family
-Title: Haunted Memories (?)
Critique- Santina: develop how she got the curse with a flashback
Gabe: add more depth to the curse
CCR #1
The first question of the CCR ( Creative-Critical-Reflection ) is about discussing topics such as genre conventions and representation. ...

1. A Quiet Place This film is unique; it does not include a post-credit scene. Instead, it ends suspensefully, leaving the viewer with unce...
1. A Quiet Place "A Quiet Place," directed by John Krasinski, is a Horror Thriller film. A Quiet Place takes place 8 9 days aft...
Many people overlook this media concept, but it is very useful in filmmaking and lighting. Lighting can set a tone, create an atmosphere, a...