My and I group decided to change our genre from thriller to sports comedy. The reason for this switch is because we were lost and had no idea what to do. It felt like every idea we had come up with was terrible, so we decided to seek help from Mrs. Stoklosa. During class, we all went to Mrs. Stoklosa's desk to discuss our ideas. We already had an idea for our new genre, but when we presented her with our idea she was iffy about it. She liked the idea but thought it could be tweaked a little, she told us what to do and what not to do. She was very beneficial to us with the project idea.
Our idea for the sports comedy opening is: For the first 20 seconds, a high school kid plays basketball in a game-like scenario. Then, we hear a voiceover in his head saying, "It all comes down to this." He then shoots the "game-winning" shot, which is an anticlimactic airball. After the airball, it is revealed that he is having a regular private training session with his coach. After the session is over he has a serious talk with his coach. The coach talks to him about if he wants to take this seriously and if he is passionate about the sport. During this conversation, we have to focus on establishing the characters. Once he gets home from training, he talks with his mom during dinner. This talk focuses on developing the characters and building backstory. From this talk, the passing of his father is revealed, it is also revealed that his father was a professional basketball player. His father is the reason he wants to make it. The last 20 seconds of the opening is the kid training at the gym, there will be a close-up of him struggling on the bench press, and then a long shot of there being no weight on the bar. Diegetic sound of intense music will be playing, this will be displayed this music by him putting his headphones on and then the music starts playing.
As for the comedy aspect of the film. There will be no comedic lines in the script, but our goal is to make the character unintentionally funny, based on his actions. It will be somewhat of a slapstick version of comedy with a slight twist to it. Slapstick comedy is a style of humor that includes excessive physical movements.
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