Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meeting reflecton

 Group Meeting #1

  Hi blog! I'm in week 3 of working on my project and blog. Today in class, our teacher divided us into six groups, separate from our project groups. The main goal of this meeting was for us to share our ideas and give input on our peers' projects/ideas.

 My group for the meeting consists of 6 members: Nick, Adil, Beatrice, Santina, and Ana. The first thing we all did was share our genres. After this Santina was the first one to speak about her opening, It is about a young and lonely girl. This girl isn't very popular and doesn't have many friends, it is the last day of school and once it ends she goes straight home. Once she gets home the credit sequence begins, she closes the blinds, and then the title appears. I suggested that to present the title she incorporate it in the opening, by writing it down in an actual diary. Beatrice also said that she should add more backstory about the girl, so we know why she is lonely. Beatrice then spoke on her opening; she is doing a horror opening where a girl gets cursed and she is trying to find ways to break the curse. The curse thrives on depression and can only be healed with love. The girl is depressed because her mom passed away a few years ago, and her father is taking out his pain on her. When she gets the curse a tattoo appears on her body, which the killer also has. Santina suggested Beatrice should develop the curse with flashbacks, I thought it would be best if she added more depth to the curse and went into greater detail. Ana did a coming-of-age film opening, where a girl who had just turned 21 went out with her "BFFs" or so we thought. This is the girl's first time drinking and she has overdone it, she then starts feeling sick and passes out. Instead of helping her, her friends were just standing here making fun of her. One of the girls takes a picture of her lying on the ground to then post it online, making a fool of her. Beatrice added that she thought the idea itself was good but, told Ana she should add more analysis and go deeper into the story. She also included researching recently produced films similar to this one.

  On the other hand, Nick, Adil, and I were not set on our ideas. One of Nick's leading ideas is a zombie apocalypse with only 2 survivors. The opening starts with the 2 survivors running from a beast. To escape they run into a dark forest, once they get into the forest they believe they escaped. Then the survivors use a map to try and guide them out of the forest but then suddenly hear a branch break, when they turn around they see this zombie-like creature creeping up on them. The creature pounces on them and then the film ends there. I added that running gets boring quickly and most people don't want to see it. Adil told Nick that it would be nice to see the origin of the apocalypse. Adil initially had no idea what to do but once he and his partner met with Mrs. Stoklosa she presented them with a good idea. Adil's film opening was inspired by "Godzilla" and having a similar dynamic to the Jurassic Park (T-Rex escape scene). He and his partner are still working on the plot so this is all the info he has about the story. Nick added it would be pretty awesome if he wore a big blow-up costume to represent the extra-terrestrial creature. As for my project; me and my group are still not sure but, we have been brainstorming. One of our thoughts is a man relaxing at his house after a long day of work, he goes about his day. He then gets a phone call from a mysterious person, once he answers the voice says urgently, “YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW BEFORE...” (cuts off), and then the man wakes up. It was all a dream. Nick said he liked the idea, but thought I should add more overall detail. He also said I should make it longer because he doesn't think it will reach the full 2 minutes.

Picture from the meeting today.

This group meeting was very helpful, and I loved the constructive criticism everyone gave. I would love to do this again later in our project journey.

My group decided to take notes on this meeting. Here is what we wrote down:

Genre: Thriller 

Setting to film: Park, or any house 

Plot: Not sure about the idea yet, has a couple options. A man relaxing at his house after a long day of work and he goes about his day. He then gets a phone call from a mysterious person, once he answers the voice says, “YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP! WAKE UP NOW BEFORE...” and then the man wakes up. 

No title 

Critique-Nicholas: Overall, solid idea, try to add more detail and extend the opening. 

My name: Nicholas 

Genre: Horror/Psychological Thriller 

As of Monday, my group does not know what we are going to do but we have some ideas and some films we are inspired by.  

Plot #1: One idea was a zombie apocalypse with 2 survivors in a forest running away from a monster on a dark, foggy night and they stop running after a couple seconds thinking they escaped. The 2 survivors start walking with the map they got of the park and then they suddenly hear the sound of something breaking but don’t think much of it. They suddenly hear a monster creeping up on them and the scene ends with the zombie on top of the person about to eat them. 

Critique: -Gabe, minimal running. Running is boring, no one wants to see running.

Some films I am inspired by films like The Shining, Halloween, and Jaws as I really enjoyed these movies and would want to create something like this 

Name: Adil 

Genre: Thriller  
Plot: A Godzilla-inspired film, given by Mrs. Stoklosa due to the fact that our group had no idea what to do. The setting takes place in a dark forest (Mark and Park), story dynamic may be derived from Jurassic Park (T. Rex Escape scene) and how science will be humanities un-doing (Life finds a way) Take the new Jurassic World rebirth trailer for example, the new abnormality that is the main focus is a dinosaur called D-Rex/Deformed Rex (Image below)

This can be a mirror towards my film as my monster escapes from containment as scientists get too full of themselves and think they have full control over the monster. (That is all the information as of now) 

Santina Moreno 

Genre: Drama 

Title: Dear Diary; 

Plot: The main character is a girl who is very isolated and doesn't have a lot of friends, so when the last day of school ends, she goes directly home to find no one there either. During her car ride home, we want some non-diegetic music in the background and start the credit sequence until she goes into her room and closes the blinds, and the title appears. When the camera pans to the bed, the girl is going to be writing in her diary until her mom comes into her room and takes her out for some ice cream. 

Genre: Thriller & Coming of Age  

We don't have any title yet 

Setting: At the beach during the sunset  

Plot: A girl who just turned 21 went to the beach to drink and celebrate her birthday with some people who she thought were her friends; (There's also a scene where she is in the car with her friends getting to the beach) She gets really drunk and one of her friends takes a picture of her lying on the sand and posts it online. The picture became viral, and her parents found out that she was in a bad state and no one was helping her.  


  Critique- Beatrice: I think your movie examples are good but maybe you should offer more analysis and responses with depth. This way you can learn more about how to use things and what to add into your opening. Maybe try to research more recently produced films, to have better examples.  


Beatrice: my blog  

Genre: Horror 

-Plot: A girl gets cursed and is watched by a killer, she is trying to break the curse. The curse feeds on depression and can be broken with happiness and love. She is depressed because her mom passed away a while ago and ever since her dad has been taking out his anger on her, making their house unsafe and their relationship weak. When she gets cursed, we see a tattoo appear on her, its matching with the killer. The title will be seen when she's looking at herself in the mirror, distraught, after being cursed. 

-Setting: House of the family  

-Title: Haunted Memories (?)  

Critique- Santina: develop how she got the curse with a flashback 

Gabe: add more depth to the curse 


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