Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR #1

   The first question of the CCR ( Creative-Critical-Reflection ) is about discussing topics such as genre conventions and representation.

  After the lesson, Mrs. Stoklosa taught us about the CCR. I was pondering on how I should complete this, and because she gave us some examples it helped me even more. She showed us podcasts, Reality TV shows, and game shows. All these examples helped me come up with the idea of a family feud game show, but instead of a whole family, it's just me!

  So the plan is to have Wyatt be "Steve Harvey" or the show host. He will ask me questions and I will have a red button to press when I have the answer.

This is a great way to answer the CCR questions and have some fun while we are at it.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editing process Pt 2

   In this post, I'm going to discuss the editing process in more depth. After cutting the shots and putting them together for each scene, we have to figure out a way to transition from one scene to the next.

  Not only do we have to worry about editing the shots we also have to make sure the sound is right. On shots where there are voice lines, we have to make sure there is no noise in the background, and if there is to dim it out. Also, the beginning of the opening includes a voice-over so we have to incorporate it into the opening. Another aspect of sound is the dietetic sound used when JD is in the gym, benching with headphones in. Once he puts the headphones in music starts playing, and the music will be intense fitting with his hard workout.

In the picture above, we are figuring out what transitions or effects we are going to use. Although I am not a fan of this; I am going to suggest to my group a normal cut with maybe, an establishing shot before the scene.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Editing process Pt 1

   In this post, I will discuss our process of editing this project. We finally completed filming and all we have left is editing.

  The first step in this process was downloading all of the photos; once the photos finished downloading we sent them to Wyatt's computer. Wyatt then transferred all the photos into an editing software, to choose the best clips, and discard the rest. After choosing these clips we must cut them up, cutting the clips allows for the shots to transition into each other very well.

In this, we can see the clips being cut so they transition seamlessly into each shot.

  Even though we are not fully done editing, I believe we got the hang of it, and editing the rest will be fairly easy.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Coaches office

   In the coach's office scene; JD has a serious talk with Coach Marcus. Coach Marcus talks with JD about his passion for the sport and whether he wants to follow through with it.

  This scene took us some time, to be honest. We were laughing and goofing off during it, so we couldn't focus. It was funny because Coach Marcus (Noah) had to keep a serious tone but his lines were very unserious. Even though it was funny we all knew we eventually had to focus/lock in and complete our task. 

  The location. It took us a little bit to find where to shoot this scene. My initial Idea was to shoot it in my coach's office he was unavailable after school to let us in. So our good friend Abe let us borrow his house for this scene and the bedroom scene. Even though the office doesn't fully look like a coach's office, it looks professional and does the job.

This is one of our shots from the coach's office scene. The use of the over-the-shoulder shot was great for the conversation.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Basketball Scene

     In this blog, I will discuss the basketball scene. In this scene, JD is having a 2-on-2 practice with his coach and teammates. We filmed this scene on an indoor court at LA Fitness. When we first arrived a couple people were shooting on the hoop we wanted to use, but shortly after they had finished and left. Once they left we went right into filming.

This is the court.

  Most parts of filming were fairly easy; the part we struggled with was filming character's lines. There were people on the other side of the court we were using so it was excessively loud in the gym. By excessive I mean loud enough to disrupt the line, but every so often it would get a little quiet and then we would record those parts.

  Filming this scene was fun because in between shots, we would shoot some baskets and mess around. It was also very funny making the shot where Wyatt or "Player 1" fell.
The shot of Wyatt falling.

Overall, this scene was fairly easy to film despite the tiny obstacles we had to get past.

CCR #1

   The first question of the CCR ( Creative-Critical-Reflection ) is about discussing topics such as genre conventions and representation.  ...