Sunday, March 2, 2025

Basketball Scene

     In this blog, I will discuss the basketball scene. In this scene, JD is having a 2-on-2 practice with his coach and teammates. We filmed this scene on an indoor court at LA Fitness. When we first arrived a couple people were shooting on the hoop we wanted to use, but shortly after they had finished and left. Once they left we went right into filming.

This is the court.

  Most parts of filming were fairly easy; the part we struggled with was filming character's lines. There were people on the other side of the court we were using so it was excessively loud in the gym. By excessive I mean loud enough to disrupt the line, but every so often it would get a little quiet and then we would record those parts.

  Filming this scene was fun because in between shots, we would shoot some baskets and mess around. It was also very funny making the shot where Wyatt or "Player 1" fell.
The shot of Wyatt falling.

Overall, this scene was fairly easy to film despite the tiny obstacles we had to get past.

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