Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #2

  I will share my script for the first set of CCR questions in today's blog with you guys! The two questions I will be answering are: "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" and "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

Here is the script:

- Music playing and crowd clapping as the host walks in...

- Host: I am Wyatt Taylor and I am here with another episode of  "Educational Trivia." In this show, we ask questions to our guests and they must answer them in the best way they can. The better they answer the more points they get.
- Today we have a special guest Gabriel Lemoine(crowd clapping) why don't you introduce yourself, Gabriel.

- Gabriel: Thank you, Wyatt,  First of all, I want to say thank you for having me on the show. I'm Gabriel Lemoine, and I'm ready to win this thing!

- Host: Ok then! Let's get right into it. (crowd clapping) Today's topic is Media production.

- Gabriel: This is one of my favorite topics Wyatt. I've been studying it for a few months now and I think I've got the hang of it. I also recently completed my portfolio project.

- Host: You should have no problem with this then. OK, first question... (reads of big card) "How does your product use or challenge conventions?"

- Gabriel: Wow! Starting off hot with a great question... One of the main conventions in the comedy genre is contrasting characters, and in my project, we used this convention. Our main character, JD, and his older brother are the contrasting characters. 

- Host: Hmm... Tell me more.

- Gabriel: JD is a hard-working and passionate character, but he just doesn't have what it takes to be great. Yet, his older brother Jason didn't work as hard but was just naturally talented.

- Host: Interesting... Let's see how you did. (drumroll) Gabriel that was the number 3 answer for 27 points.

- Host: (crowd clapping) Not bad kid. Our next question is, "How does your product represent social groups or issues?"

- Gabriel: Good question Wyatt. Well, our film isn't only a comedic production it has a deeper meaning. 

- Host: What meaning exactly are you talking about?

- Gabriel: The meaning is that no matter how hard you try, you can still be overlooked and might not get better.

- Host: Hmm... I never really thought of it that way. Anyway, let's see how many points you scored... "Drumroll please." (drumroll) That was the number 3 answer for 34 points.

- Gabriel: Oof, that was disappointing.

- Host: Don't worry if you get the number 1 answer on the final question you can still win.

- Gabriel: OK I'm ready for it!

- Host: Alrighty, last question. "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"

- Gabriel: Oh wow Wyatt this is a big question!

- Host: Can't mess up now this is to win it all.

- Gabriel: Our target audience is mainly young male figures. Which is why the sports aspect of the production works well. Males are typically the mass consumers of sports around the world. Don't forget about the comedic aspect of the production. I mean who doesn't love comedy, it works well in most films.

As for distribution. Our film will be available on a wide variety of streaming platforms, but for the first 2 months, you will need to rent or buy the film. After that, you will be able to watch it for free anytime anywhere. My production crew and I feel that the more platforms we can distribute our film on the better.

- Host: Last one, best one. Gabriel, I think that was your best answer yet. 

- Gabriel: Thank you Wyatt you know I try my best.

- Host: Hey! Can I get a drumroll, please? (drumroll) Gabriel that was the number 1 answer for a whopping 43 points.

- Crowd cheering and Me celebrating.

- Host: Great job man! Thanks for coming to the show, it was a great time. Hope to have you on again!

- Gabriel: Thank you so much, Wyatt, I'll be back soon. I had a blast coming and answering questions.

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CCR #4

  I will share my script for the first set of CCR questions in today's blog with you guys! The two questions I will answer are: "Ho...